Jewish Community Center Adds a Custom Donor Tree in Irvine CA!

Donor Trees for Foundations in Irvine CA

Located at 1 Federation Way, the Jewish Community Center Orange County is the area’s go-to venue for youth and family activities, fitness classes, and Jewish cultural events. Because the organization has a vibrant support group of small and large donors, the management team asked Caliber Signs & Imaging to assist with the production of donor trees in Irvine, CA.

Bold Colors Create A Beautiful Look

Custom Nonprofit Donor Trees in Irvine CA

This is not your typical donor tree. The client envisioned a tree with colored leaves. Each leaf color connects to a specific sponsor dollar amount, which is not disclosed at the exhibit. To allow for a durable display that would be budget-friendly and unique, our technicians decided to make the leaves using aluminum painted in five different colors.

Donor Trees in Orange County CA

Color-matching was of extreme importance. Then, we added the donor names as vinyl overlays with a clear coat to prevent peeling. We provided an extra set of blank leaves for future donors. You will notice that the leaves have a matte finish, which was intentional. It prevents glare from natural or artificial light and makes it easier to read the names.

Donor Trees in Irvine CA

To get an accurate impression of the donor tree’s size, you have to consider that it spans the width of a large wall. Our installers placed the leaves in such a way that they look attractive without being bunched together. Taking this approach allows the facility to add more leaves that will fit right in. The choice of aluminum made sense because it creates a durable presentation that will last for decades to come.

Caliber Signs & Imaging Specializes in Donor Recognition Signs

Donor Trees for Foundations in Irvine CA

Donor trees are a standard feature in many churches, synagogues, and community centers. There, they come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Material selections vary depending on the taste of the client. However, the donor tree is only one display option. Our technicians can also create something completely different.

  • Step and repeat banners. The step and repeat banner features the names and logos of your corporate donors, as well as the names of other contributors. They are popular at fundraisers because they make up the background for photos and receptions. It is an excellent way to recognize donors in a way that gets shared by the press and social media.
  • Donor plaques. Plaques are another approach that some clients favor. These can go inside or outside. Cast aluminum, for example, is very popular because of its contemporary look. If you prefer something a little more traditional, we can also work with bronze or copper.
  • Window graphics. There is nothing wrong with placing the donor tree on a window. Whether it is inside as a glass wall to your conference room or outside-facing, this kind of window graphic attracts attention.

How Do You Recognize Donors?

Custom printed donor leaves for donor trees in Irvine CA

Whether you need plaques or donor trees in Irvine, CA, Caliber Signs & Imaging wants to help. We work with the design you have or create something entirely new from the ground up. In the process, we can incorporate your name and logo, too. Call us today to discuss your next donor tree project!

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