Our business clients routinely pay close attention to the company’s signage on the building’s front. However, few recognize the opportunities that they have when selecting effective building address numbers in Orange County, CA.
High Visibility Brings in Customers
Building codes require the display of numerals for safety reasons. You can benefit from placing them on your façade for wayfinding. Some clients have had excellent success with featuring 3D numbers along with the three-dimensional letters they choose for the building sign. By painting all style elements in the same custom color, you create an immediate brand-building opportunity that makes the consumer associate your address number with your business’ name.
Illumination Options Create Attractive Lighting for the Façade
Just as you can buy an illuminated building sign, you can also purchase illuminated building numerals. We would treat the fabrication similar to the design of a channel letter or box cabinet. Choose to have the digits put up on the corner of the building or just on the façade. Combining multiple displays is an excellent way to ensure that everyone can find you, no matter which direction they come from.
Choose a Size and Material That Meets Your Needs
The building number you might put on a small business will look different from the one a property management company will select for a Class “A” office high-rise. We understand the importance of customizing the look to complement the architectural design of the façade. We have noticed that companies in the tech and health industries like to feature larger 3D letters than other businesses.
If the sizing of the numerals would break the budget, remember that we can use the same materials we typically offer for standard sign making. One of these least expensive choices is outdoor-rated sign foam. It looks chic, we can paint it in any color, and it allows for the fabrication of high-definition 3D numbers that look sharp.
Best Practices for Designing Building Address Numbers in Orange County, CA
Have you noticed that choosing your next building numerals can be as intricate as selecting a building sign? We understand! For example, how big do building numbers have to be in Orange County? People have to be able to read the numbers from the street. As a general rule of thumb, building numbers should be at least four inches tall.
That said, many clients opt to go larger to keep with the sizing of the building sign. It is an excellent practice that ensures a visual cohesion of the overall front. Similarly, choose a color that contrasts nicely with the façade tone. One possible exception is the installation of illuminated building numbers.
Or, if you have a Master Sign Program in place, you can refer to that to make sure you are buying address numbers that align with the sign program set for your building. Don’t have an MSP? We can help with that!
By the way, some clients also like to repeat their numerals. For example, you might opt for a building number close to the corner of the façade and a scaled-down version for mounting on an overhang at the entrance. Other clients request that we repeat the building numbers as vinyl window graphics on glass entry doors. Call our sign shop today to discuss your options and get the ball rolling on this project!