Commercial Real Estate “For Lease” Sign Built From the Ground Up in Tustin CA!

Commercial Real Estate For Lease Sign in Tustin CA

IVC College owns a plot of land it titles ATEP (Advanced Technology and Education Project). It is part of the Tustin Legacy, a significant development project you frequently hear about in SoCal news. NAI Capital Commercial oversees the land’s leasing, which necessitated a commercial real estate “For Lease” sign in Tustin, CA. We thought it would be fun to pull back the curtain and share with our readers what a typical post and panel sign construction project looks like; from the ground up!

Intricate Post and Panel “For Lease” Sign is Assembled on Site from the Ground Up

Commercial Real Estate For Lease Sign in Tustin CA

Our designer worked with the client to put together a sketch that would spell out the different aspects of the construction. For example, this sign would stand 13 feet tall and six feet wide. It would require several pressure-treated wooden blocks, posts, and stringers. Plywood sheets would then cover up the majority of the posts and maximize the display surface.

Custom Built For Lease Sign Proofs
First, we designed the sign. Elements can be seen in this “exploded” view.

On the sides, black vinyl spells out the Tustin Legacy name. The front features a high-resolution digital print that discusses the availability of the 56 acres. Our technicians created a drawing that highlights each sign element’s measurements, down to the sizing of the galvanized nails the installers would use to assemble the structure.

Equipment Used to Build a Real Estate For Lease Sign
The equipment!
Measuring the hole for the For Lease Sign in Tustin CA
Depth measurement is essential!

When it came time to install the product, our team went to the site where the client had indicated the allocated space. We dug the holes for the posts. A tall sign will have deep holes. These were 36-inches deep by 24-inches in diameter. We then put together the frame for the sign. Due to its weight, we had to ensure that it sat perfectly upright when we cemented the structure in place.

Structual Parts for a Commercial Property For Lease Signs
The “For Lease” sign frame.

With this step out of the way, we assembled the panels that would cover the sign. This design creates a contemporary display that accentuates the brand message the client wants to send. Moreover, the finished product is ideally suited to represent the sales message in style.

Why Did We Want to Showcase the Design and Installation of a Commercial Real Estate “For Lease” Sign in Tustin, CA?

The For Lease Sign in Tustin CA is assembled
Adding the sign faces.

We typically put a lot of emphasis on the production of a sign. Pulling back the curtain enables our clients to understand how we go from a translucent sheet of acrylic to a set of metallic-colored three-dimensional letters. Moreover, many of our clients have expressed appreciation for the workarounds we show that empower even startups to invest in signage that looks far more expensive than it really is.

Custom Built Commercial Real Estate For Lease Sign in Tustin CA
Completing the construction of the sign.

By highlighting the onsite assembly and installation parts of the project, we were able to show that there is so much more to a successful signage product than merely the design or even the production. In fact, the installation is an essential aspect that results in a successful completion.

Commercial Real Estate For Lease Sign in Tustin CA
Sturdy, durable, and successfully completed!

Moreover, did you know that we assist our clients in selecting the best installation spots on their properties? While it is frequently apparent where the perfect place for a building sign might be, the same is not necessarily true for post and panel signs. Therefore, we recommend inviting our team to visit you for a site survey to help with this decision. Contact us today to start on your next signage project!

Call us at 949-748-1070 or email us at

Free quote on custom for lease signs


