Caliber Signs Owner Honored With Prestigious Award By Chamber Of Commerce

Award presentation

Caliber Signs and Imaging has been an active member of the Irvine Chamber of Commerce since 2009.

caliber-signs-owner-honored-with-prestigious-award-by-chamber-of-commerceOne of the many benefits of our membership is the opportunity it presents us to be connected directly into the local business community through the various committees, programs and initiatives led by the Chamber.  By being involved, we find ourselves in a position to meet local business owners and entrepreneurs, city council member and the Mayor, as well as working closely with the incredible staff at the Chamber office.

Recently, one of our owners was recognized for the hard work she contributes to the Irvine Chamber.  Mary Neil was awarded Member of the Year which was announced at the Mayors Luncheon in June 2014. She has been a champion for several of the Chamber’s programs as well as being a mentor for its members. She is a passionate Ambassador attending countless networking events, ribbon cuttings and special events.  She commits time and expertise to Signature Event Planning Committees, the Green Certification Program, the Economic Vitality Council and she is current Chair of the Ambassador Group.

On her award, Mary says, “It is a great honor to be voted Member of the Year for this prestigious Chamber of Commerce that has been nationally recognized for progressive leadership and the huge value they provide to their member businesses through programs and activities”.

Mary Neil is shown below with her award together with Martin Neil, co-owner of Caliber Signs and Imaging and the Mayor of Irvine, Steven Choi. 

If you are interested to join or find out more information about the Irvine Chamber of Commerce, then give Mary a call to get her perspective. Call 949-748-1070. 


